This page includes a brief description of my 3D exhibition model along with a supporting video created using Google SketchUp at the Bard Graduate Center (BGC), New York.
In the mid-1940s soon after the WWII, there was growing desire among fashion industry professionals to rebrand and redefine ‘American textiles’ as ‘modern’ by experimenting with newer textile designs. These newer designs were nothing but modified versions of visual imagery adopted from textiles from the Far East including India. ​​​​​​​Back then, cultural and geographical boundaries were very loosely defined. Not surprisingly this lack of understanding was also evident in the superficial adaptation and odd internalization of foreign visual elements on fashionable textiles produced in America at the time.
In this context, I chose to revisit the politics behind a 1948 fashion exhibition at the Met museum by constructing an alternate narrative through representation of the same period material evidence in a modern gallery setting.

Click the button below to walk through the virtual exhibition!
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